Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Small Blessings

Once a week my grandsons, they are 7 & 10, come over and they both ask for either the iPad or my iPhone and then they compete to get the best score possible while they play.  They last time they came over they both wanted to play Stack the States on the iPad, the younger boy struggled with the questions.  So they started to play together, well as the game progress they started to ask everyone questions about the states...then before you know it everyone is involved playing the was loads of fun.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Researching TBI

As I was researching for our last assignment I found these blogs and I thought I would share:

No Limits to Learning it is a site for assisted technology

Noah's Road is about a little boy suffering from shaken baby syndrome
Hypocaffeinic is a site focusing on tertiary education in tertiary education
I found some great information at these sites, I hope you are able to glean from them as well.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Podcasts sigh

Well I did tink my podcasts, and then today I went onto iTunes and signed up for 5 educational podcasts, I am hoping they will help with CCSS for the fall, only time will tell.
English as a Second Language
Podcast Answer Man, I am hoping this will help me understand them more..
Brain Burps About Books
Best Kids Apps for iPads & iPhones
Apps for Children with Special Needs

Take care and have a great night :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Today my plan is to continue to clean out the various podcasts I have down to, I hope, a manageable 5 podcasts.  I will only keep my educational ones.
I love listening to them; however who really has the time to listen to everything that interests you.
While I clean them out I will continue to tink with my thinking and hopefully....just hopefully my time will open up and I can listen to the relaxing podcasts yet again...:)

Monday, July 23, 2012

They can be an adventure and they can be a lodestone.  Paradox.  Wanting to learn, yet not really sure how or whom to ask for the help is yet another Paradox.
I am currently tinking my thinking, tink is knit spelled backwards.
I have decided to clean out and discard what I am currently finding too cumbersome to undertake.
At this point in time, I am not sure what questions to ask, for clarification, much less whom to ask for direction.
So without much further to do...comments, comments, comments.
I will stay focused on the assignments, and hopefully inspiration will enter my life again.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

This past year has been a tough one for parents have both been in the hospital way too many times.
They have been married for 68 years, dad went in, this time for a broken hip :( When dad came home, my mom went in with low blood sugar. They are a great inspiration ;)
They both have two different types of dementia, which means difficulty remembering.  When I took dad in for his check up, the doctor mentioned this to me...I had no idea that there are 10 different kinds of dementia.
When mom went in I asked her doctor and she has the same two areas as my dad with dementia.
So I have been researching, so I can help them live out their remaining years in a least restricted life style.  Sounds like IDEA, doesn't it.
If you are interested check out Types of dementia.  It has helped me :)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Summer Cleaning :)

This site is labeled Knit a story...I use this as a metaphor for life...we often start with one idea (yarn) create something and then change what outcome we we rip out our knitting and start again.  
For the past 7 years I have taught in a departmentalized school, and this next year we will be in self contained classrooms. I am excited to teach all of the subjects again, the first four years I taught fourth grade Language Arts, then I taught third grade Math and Science.
I am having difficulty with focusing in on just one subject area, so I would like to explore all of the different areas that my students will need to understand as they learn and unlearn and then relearn the various concepts for the third grade.
See how knitting kinda fits...if you do not like how it looks you can rip it out and re-knit it...:)