Saturday, July 7, 2012

Summer Cleaning :)

This site is labeled Knit a story...I use this as a metaphor for life...we often start with one idea (yarn) create something and then change what outcome we we rip out our knitting and start again.  
For the past 7 years I have taught in a departmentalized school, and this next year we will be in self contained classrooms. I am excited to teach all of the subjects again, the first four years I taught fourth grade Language Arts, then I taught third grade Math and Science.
I am having difficulty with focusing in on just one subject area, so I would like to explore all of the different areas that my students will need to understand as they learn and unlearn and then relearn the various concepts for the third grade.
See how knitting kinda fits...if you do not like how it looks you can rip it out and re-knit it...:)


  1. Wow!!! You have really had experience at many levels of education. I like the idea of ripping it out and re-knitting...great analogy!

  2. I loved your analogy. I teach second grade ELA and Social Studies. I love departmentalizing but I do miss teaching Math. Good luck this year. Your blog looks great!

    1. Your blog is so inspirational. I have a friend, who is like a mom to me and she has dementia. I never knew there were so many forms of dementia, I plan to read about the different kinds,to help me understand what she is experiencing. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I like your metaphor. I am fairly young, but am quickly finding that life really is like this. Sometimes you have a plan that you think is going to work, but midway in, things change and you really do go back to what you have and re-evaluate. My husband and I just did this a couple weeks ago as we made the decision to transfer him to a new college that is much closer to work and home making it easier for him to acquire his degree soon. This would be his 3 college and 4th major (although all of them related) for his bachelor's degree. Hopefully, this will be his final school.
